Victoria Beckham was apparently not in demand by YouTube connoisseurs
Who would have thought even though famous all over the world, but Victoria Beckham was apparently not in demand by YouTube connoisseurs. He recently closed his channel because it was considered unsold.In fact, it is mentioned in the news that David Beckham's wife only gets Rp 435 thousand or 25 pounds per day. This figure is certainly very far compared to local YouTubers like Atta Halilintar who are able to reap Rp. 2.9 billion per month or Rp. 96 million per day.
Though Victoria issued a big budjet to work on the video. He often shows the luxury of his life, fashion style and makeup to the life of his family.
The former 'Spice Girl' member began to become a YouTuber since April and already has a subscriber of 109 thousand accounts. The Mirror even released news stating that Victoria is now having financial problems. The impact was the dismissal of 60 employees after his shop in Mayfair, London, had problems.
"His YouTube channel was very difficult to expect and it (content creation) was very time consuming so he had to close it," said one close relative.
One of the most expensive videos on his channel was when he uploaded the state of a luxury hotel room that he ruffled. He did it to make prank so that David Beckham panicked when he saw the room.
david beckham |
siapa yang tidak kenal dengan artis panggung victoria ? artis tersebut sudah terkenal di seluruh dunia, namun Victoria Beckham ternyata tak diminati netizen YouTube. Ia baru-baru ini menutup channel youtube karena merasa tidak begitu diminati para penonton..
Bahkan dalam sebuah berita disebutkan jika istri David Beckham itu hanya mendapatkan Rp 435 ribu atau 25 poundsterling per hari. Angka ini tentunya sangat jauh jika dibandingkan dengan YouTuber lokal seperti Atta Halilintar yang mampu meraup Rp 2,9 miliar per bulan atau Rp 96 juta per hari.
Padahal Victoria mengeluarkan budjet besar untuk menggarap videonya itu. Ia kerap menunjukkan kemewahan hidupnya, gaya fashion dan makeup hingga kehidupan keluarganya.
Mantan personel 'Spice Girl' itu mulai menjadi YouTuber sejak April lalu dan sudah memiliki subscriber sebesar 109.000 ribu akun youtuber. Mirror bahkan merilis berita yang menyebutkan jika Victoria kini tengah memiliki masalah finansial. Imbasnya adalah pemecatan 60 orang karyawan usai tokonya yang berada di Mayfair, London, terkendala bermasalah.
"Channel YouTube miliknya sangat sulit untuk diharapkan dan hal itu (pembuatan konten) sangat memakan waktu jadi ia pun harus menutupnya," ujar salah seorang kerabat dekatnya.
Salah satu video yang menghabiskan dana besar dan mahal di channelnya adalah saat ia mengunggah keadaan kamar hotel mewah yang diacak-acak olehnya. Ia melakukannya untuk membuat kejutan prank agar David Beckham suaminya panik saat melihat kamar tersebut.
kunjungi juga channel youtube permainan mix parlay bet di situs angkawiki , berita sepakbola paling lengkap dan paling update di 2019 ini.